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“Fit For Royalty!”- Prince Harry & Meghan Markle SLAMMED For Taking Advantage Of Royal Luxuries During Nigeria Trip

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just returned from their trip to Nigeria.


The pair were seen taking part in a non-official tour and many found a hard time ignoring the fact that they were given presidential and VIP treatment.

Source: Daily Mail

The pair were dressed in head-to-toe designer wear but their security and residential arrangments were nothing less than that seen for a working member of the royal family.

Source: AP

The duo were so impressed by the love affection and kindness they received that they vowed to be back soon.

But critics are questioning the pair’s living standards and how they were treated like absolute royals, living in the country’s most luxe hotel filled with amenities.

Source: Daily Mail

We’re talking suites that give presidential feels while being swept away in a massive 14-vehicle convot with gun-toting soldiers. Per night, their hotel costs a staggering $3400, and many were in awe at just how much protocol the pair got, considering they were not even serving royal family members.


While the couple were scheduled to stay at the Transcorp Hilton, critics revealed how security and logistics did not allow that. Hence, they were shifted immediately to a nearby suite.