Alarming reports have been put forward by the cops today in regard to an urgent search conducted for a missing girl who was last seen with a teddy bear in her hands.
According to sources from local media outlets, the child was witnessed carrying a teddy bear in her hand and was dressed in pajamas. And nowhere, she’s nowhere to be found.
The panic and fear among loved ones have caused the cops to urge the public to come forward and assist them in this matter as they continue with their investigations of the alarming situation.
The girl was also spotted wandering the streets in this same attire and that is what further sparked a police search.
Officers hailing from Portishead in Somerset claimed they were too concerned for the welfare of the young child that was seen walking around town in that manner, all alone during the morning hours.
The girl was believed to be around the age of 6. And she was seen in red pajamas and a purple-toned dressing gown, alongside her usual slippers.
The detective inspector for the case has outlined that the young female is definitely in a dangerous situation and could be at risk of a lot of negative outcomes that may take place. For this reason, it’s being requested for prayers and assistance for her location so the investigation can pick up the pace.
Those who may have seen her or know about her whereabouts were requested to call up 999 immediately before it was too late.
Similarly, the cops add that while there might be some sort of an explanation related to why she is in this particular condition and wandering the streets, they need to make sure on an urgent basis that she’s alright.