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“I Was DISGUSTED After The Mom Sitting Next To Me Used A Food Tray To Change Her Baby’s Dirty Diaper On The Plane! How Can Anyone Be So Unhygienic?”

Traveling with children can be very difficult sometimes and if you’re not fond of them, the situation can be worse.


One woman is sharing her absolute horror and disgust after the female passenger next to her opts to change her baby’s diaper on the food tray. And she just found that to be unacceptable for obvious reasons.

Source: Mirror US

The mother says that she was so disgusted to learn that any passenger would be right to accept this kind of passenger. Seeing the dirty diaper lying on that fold-down tray, where so many people are supposed to enjoy their meal in peace, was just drastic.


And for her, seeing that made her cringe, not to mention lose her appetite along the way too.

“Even if you paid me to eat on that, after her actions, I would never”- the furious passenger added.

Source: Pixabay

The woman added how traveling is hard on its own but the smell of the baby’s diaper had her stomach churning for all the wrong reasons. And she just did not know how to go about the situation.


People were watching in disgust, and a lot of people were making faces too. But not a single person said a word and chose to ignore it. But the passenger that enough is enough. “We cannot let couples like this one get away with it each time”- she added.

Source: Romper

“The child lay there, bum exposed on that tray table. It was wrong. The smell started to circulate around the cabin. There is a reason we’ve got a toilet on board with a changing room facility. How long are we going to ignore such people making such grave errors?”- another person added.

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Source: KKday

But some did step in to chime in on the matter, including how the baby’s mom should have been given some slack because while the behavior was wrong, she perhaps was too flustered to realize that the toilet was an option for changing diapers, to be with.point 325 |


“She probably took her convenience as a top priority instead of letting common sense prevail”- another netizen added in her support.point 124 | What do you think?point 139 | 1