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BREAKING: Cases Of Monkeypox Get Out Of Control As WHO Chairs Emergency Meeting

The outbreak of monkeypox is getting out of control with Australia being the latest nation to witness a sudden surge in cases.


According to local media reports, the first cases have now been reported from the cities of Sydney and Victoria. In the former, an alarming case featured a 40-year-old man who had a travel history of Europe and that is where the outbreak is first believed to have begun.

Source: The Lancet

At the moment, health experts claim an urgent test is recommended and that is what identifies the presence of the infection but at the same time, we’re seeing other tests soon come into play as revealed by experts.


For now, sources have confirmed that at least eight different nations, other than Africa, have been confirmed as having the illness. And although the symptoms are said to be ugly, they are mild in nature.

Source: Daily Mail

But the real alarm is raised because every one in ten people can die from the infection. In addition to that, new reports are going as far as mentioning how patients may retain their infectiousness behavior for around four weeks, and this is after the common signs and symptoms appear.


The news comes as more cases were detected in Massachusetts recently, bringing 11 of the world’s famous countries under its belt.

Source: Getty Images

Medical experts are now going into the details of how simple rashes or skin lesions can serve as reservoirs for passing on the infection or virus to another person.


And now more fears are on the rise that America could soon be detecting more similar cases soon while New York City appears to be in the middle of probing another case.

Source: Daily Mail

 The monkeypox virus is stated to be endemic in parts of Africa but interestingly, the cases detected in the US have had no travel links to that part of the world. And that is another alarming sign of how the infection is rapidly on the rise.


The WHO has called for an emergency meeting today where they plan on monitoring the outbreak and thinking of a quick solution before it gets too late.