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EXCLUSIVE: New Mom BLASTED For Naming Her Baby Girl After ‘A Fart’

Naming a baby is never easy for any new parent because no matter what, you’re bound to receive criticism over the ordeal in some way, shape, or form.


Sources from local media outlets are now talking about one new mom who is not in the middle of an online debate regarding her baby girl’s name.

Source: Mirror

She’s been forced to put up with some very mean and negative comments across the board and so far, she’s been feeling very low about the situation.


While the mother says naming her child is her business, the fact that others intervene and make fun of her has her in a dilemma. “This is my child we are talking about here. And I don’t like it when people pass such mean things about her name”- the mom mentioned on an online forum.

Source: Pixabay

Abbie Herbert says naming her daughter Poot had social media enter into a frenzy. People were having meltdowns as they found her name too obnoxious and just so ill-planned. And now, she’s being forced to deal with it.


“Why would you set your daughter up for disaster for the rest of her life by naming her after a fart. It’s time to use your brain”- mentioned one netizen that really shocked her.

Source: Pixabay

To help distract some of the attention away from her daughter, the mother just recently welcomed her baby boy. She hoped that the feedback she would get on this one would be better.


Unfortunately, she continued to receive slack on this too. Netizens were not happy again and this mother is now in a dilemma in terms of what to do.

Source: Pixabay

In case you’re wondering about her son’s name, it’s Jagger. And she is not getting any less criticism for this either.


People feel it’s just as bad and this couple needs a reality check or else their kids will suffer in the future. What do you think?