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‘Real-Life’ Rapunzel Says She Has NEVER Cut Her Hair And Men LOVE It

A woman dubbed as the real-life Rapunzel is going viral online for never cutting her hair.


Say hello to Tina Luven who is 27 years old and hails from Russia. She has not been on a date in over six years but she claims all men adore her long tresses despite the fact that she’s never had a haircut in her life.

Source: Daily Star

Throughout her life, people have admired her for her hair and now is no exception. With hair that measures four feet in length, it’s safe to say that she has really worked hard at maintaining their health and shine.


Now, she is hoping to find Mr. Right and go on a date when someone sees her beyond the beauty of her hair.

Source: Daily Star

“I really want to be with someone right now. It’s going to be hard to find someone that can look past my hair”- she revealed.


Today, she continues to get a bucketload of messages across the board. People are so keen on going out with her but she says that she was just never ready.

Her Instagram account is also increasing as we speak and has a total of 17,000 followers. There are also several compliments coming from absolute strangers that are sure to entertain her, she continued.

Source: Daily Star

Tina’s loyal fan following really has a blast seeing her pictures online. They continue to ask her questions about her hair including hair tips and tricks to make it appear this long and healthy forever.


She does not mind the questions and actually has a blast with all the curious beings out there today.

Source: Daily Star

Interestingly, she does not apply any form of special products. Instead, she just simply brushes it once a day and that’s enough to maintain the glorious shine that’s visible from far away.