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“There’s NO Such Thing As Santa!”- Mom Claims She REFUSES To Buy Her Kids Christmas Gifts & LIE About Santa

The countdown to Christmas has begun and one mother says she is in no mood of faking the holiday celebrations.


Think along the lines of boldly mentioning how Santa does not exist and therefore she feels there is no reason anyone should ever lie to their kids about it. She also refuses to buy them presents in the name of the holiday season as she feels that just leads to their expectations.

Source: Mirror US

As expected, the news did not sit down well with plenty of netizens who felt she was insulting the holidays and should just stay silent if she had nothing nice or positive to say.


But the mother claims it’s wrong to make kids believe anything and everything that comes their way. “It’s wrong, we can’t make them believe something for the sake of it. We’re going to be held responsible for our teachings”- she went on to add.

Source: Daily Mail

The woman is now being branded as an absolute scrooge and party pooper for her thoughts on the matter. In the same manner, she was slammed for having such young kids and instilling so much negativity in their minds at this age.


In a world where we already have so much to talk about, we don’t need another Karen coming in the direction that’s schooling us to have a little fun and get into the holiday spirit, another person mentioned.

Source: Daily Mail

The mother further went on to justify her claims by adding how brainwashing kids is just not something she’s into and anyone that who finds such behavior corrected needed to see the doctor.


“I need to give my kids a reality check. They should be well aware of what’s going on!”- the mom went on to explain.

Source: Daily Mail

But some people did agree with the mother and tried to understand where she was coming from. They felt she shouldn’t be bashed and instead loved for speaking on the subject and addressing a lot of concerns that parents might have about Christmas traditions and that’s alright. After all, to each their own.