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“My Wife Says She’s Too Old To Do What I Want In Bed, How Can I Change Her Mind?”- Man’s Bedroom Troubles Leaves Netizens Divided

One man seems to be going through a rough patch in his relationship and that’s why he’s turning to viewers online to help him out with advice.


This time around, it’s personal and related to struggles in his marriage regarding intimacy.

Source: Shutterstock

The man says he’s been facing quite a few issues in the bedroom and it’s taking a toll on his mood and his relationship with his partner.


The individual happens to be in his mid-80s while his partner is a decade younger. While they’ve been together for 60 years, they keep switching things up in the bedroom to ensure things remain exciting.

Source: Freepik

One year back, the wife decided that she was just too old for the bed and his antics. And that shocked him. For so many years, she never complained but then all of a sudden, she wanted to put an end to their intimacy chapter.


When asked what the reason behind her sudden mood change towards s*x was, she simply stated that she did not wish to engage in it anymore. Since then, they’ve been going through a very dry spell.

Source: iStock

Most people commented on how women’s libido tends to alter with age, especially during menopause. But the fact that he’s been able to get it for so long, without fail, is certainly a point worth celebrating, they added.