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EXCLUSIVE: Jane Fonda, 85, Says She Won’t Date Any Man Older Than 20 Because She HATES ‘Old Skin’

Actress Jane Fonda recently caused a major stir online after making controversial claims regarding her personal life and decisions.


Many were appalled at the 85-year-old star when she sat down for a recent interview and shed light on her preference for dating men. And the masses couldn’t help but talk about how the star needed a reality check.

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People felt her preference for young men was just a little much, considering how she’s 85 herself. But Fonda did not shy away when it came down to speaking her mind and what she felt about falling in love with men in general.


The star says that if she had to pick a lover, he would never be older than 20. And that has to do with the fact that she hates old skin.

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Yes, it’s as blunt as that and the star says she stands by her claims, despite facing massive backlash regarding the ordeal. Moreover, she further added how people can have all types of preferences but if an older woman wants to date a younger man, then what’s the issue?


However, when an older man can date someone who is half his age, society never questions it because somehow, it’s unfairly acceptable, she went on to add.

Source: Splash News

Jane mentioned how younger skin is just a turn-on for her, and it’s nothing like older skin that she detests. “I find young men attractive, where’s the issue”- she continued.


“I know people will bash and perhaps I should not be so honest in this world but please understand, I have the right to like who and what I want, right?”- the famous personality further elaborated.

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But the more the celeb tried to justify the ordeal, the worse the response fans gave her. They felt it was a bit much for someone in their 80s to talk about older skin when that’s exactly what they possessed themselves. What do you think?