You may have a profound love for dogs but we’re sure nothing compares to this young woman’s obsession with furry friends.
Meet leading American social media sensation Meow who is making heads turn after identifying as a dog! Yes, you heard that right. She adores being rewarded with treats too.
From eating pet food to sleeping inside giant crates as well, this young individual happens to be in a whole new league altogether. Did we mention how living life as a canine is now a norm for her?
Speaking during a recent interview, it was unveiled how she sleeps inside crates and loves her treats the most. But her handlers do make sure she’s healthy and happy as they even take her on long dog walks.
Resting in the most confined spaces makes her feel super safe at night too. To ensure she’s nice and cozy, she’s got pastel blankets and pillows inside her crate and there’s not one moment in time that she regrets her decision.
When she was asked what the whole concept related to her love of dogs was all about, she said that she is a true dog girl and that playing is something she’s destined to do. But many just can’t get around the concept of ‘handlers’ walking her around town. What about you?