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Horrific Photo Shows Terminally Ill Woman Forced To Sleep On FLOOR After Shortage Of Beds At Hospital

A shocking and terrifying picture reportedly showed a terminally ill woman being left with no choice but to sleep on the floor.


The incident arose on Sunday when her husband explained how the hospital underwent a shortage of beds and therefore they could no longer accommodate the huge influx of patients coming in.

Source: New York Post

The patient was identified as 62-year-old Madeleine Butcher who was taken to the hospital at about 3 am on a Sunday by her partner named John.


She was said to be suffering from a serious episode of sepsis and therefore needed immediate attention.

Source: New York Post

Despite knowing how serious her condition was and how she was suffering from ovarian cancer, there was nothing that the hospital could do to accommodate her, leaving her loved ones furious.


For her, sitting down for a long period was no longer possible, not to mention how it was so uncomfortable as she was also suffering from a hernia after her hysterectomy, as her tumor was positioned there.

Source: Pixabay

Despite asking in many instances what her options would be like if a trolley could be made available, nothing was done, and that had her partner upset. “They couldn’t even provide a reclining chair”- he continued, leaving him shocked.


While the doctor did provide a pillow and blanket, the only other option left for her was the floor and she happily took it as for her, that was more comfortable due to her current statement.