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This Simple Riddle Is Playing With People’s Minds. Can You Get It Right In 5 Seconds?

Viral puzzles are taking center stage on social media so we thought this was a great way to put our readers to the test.


Some are linked to IQ and logic while others are simply designed to play tricks on the eyes and mind.

Source: Press Connects

As far as this one is concerned, we thought why not put those eyes to the test and figure out where you stand? Yes, it’s easier than you think but if we told you that only 1 in 5 got it right on the first go, would you believe us?


All you need to do is first set up that timer and figure out the right answer. Hurry, time is clicking away and we need you to win.

Source: Daily Mail

Here is a list of colors written in five different colors. The words don’t correspond with the hue they are written in, adding a new twist to the challenge.


For instance, green is written in blue. On the other hand, participants were asked to talk about how many colors are named. They must solve the challenge within nine seconds which is far less straightforward than what it may appear.

Source: Daily Mail

Was this your answer too? If yes, great job. Do let us know in the comments section how you did and be sure to SHARE the story with others as well.