Plus-size music sensation Lizzo is not happy with all the trolls commenting on her body.
The celeb has gone as far as threatening to quit the music industry and furious fans are now rushing to be by her side regarding this endeavor.
Lizzo threatening to quit the world of music is shocking for obvious reasons. She’s managed to make a huge name for herself over the years.
But that does not come easy as the star explains. According to her, fame and fortune are just some of the things she’s been forced to deal with over the years. This includes plenty of body shaming. To put it simply, the star says that life is as great as you make it and she’s tried hard to make it big.
Lizzo says that while she’s got some great fans and followers who tell her to forget the mean trolls and critics that have nothing else to talk about, other than her weight, she says that it does affect her a lot.
“I wanted to be a role model for other women and I want them to know it’s okay to be bigger than others!”- the starlet continued.
But now, the hate has become so much that she can’t tolerate it and she feels it’s getting really toxic for her to survive in this industry.
Moreover, she’s threatening to quit the showbiz world because she feels having thick skin is just not enough to make it out with sane peace of mind.
But the star’s loyal fans and followers aren’t letting the star off the hook so soon.point 325 |
They feel that she’s amazing and a source of inspiration for others in this world.point 74 | Hence, anyone and everyone that comes her way needs to be dealt with brutally because it’s just wrong to shame someone for not fitting into a stereotypical box.point 213 | 1