The suspect who made headlines for shooting an innocent 16-year-old boy for accidentally knocking on his door has pleaded not guilty.
According to reports from local media outlets, the horrifying incident took place a few days back where the retired 84-year-old showed zero remorse for the decision and said he did what he had to do to protect himself.
But netizens were not convinced and they felt justice needed to be served as all the child had done was knocked on the wrong house. However, today’s decision did not go down well as many people couldn’t believe what was taking place before their eyes.
So many opted to bring race into the picture, adding how the 84-year-old was let go because he was white and had shot down a black teen.
Andrew Lester pleaded not guilty to one charge of first-degree assault and one of armed criminal action. People are just finding it so hard to see why that is the case.
Now, the lawyers of the victim who was shot in the head but is undergoing recovery are having their say on the matter. They said the verdict has left them in shock as this was not expected.
They further spoke about how the Department of Justice is investigating the matter as a shooting linked to a hate crime.
The young high school student is known for his incredible skills in art and has been dubbed as a famous musician by the community. He was recently pictured leaving the hospital in a tragic state as his family says it will take time for him and them to overcome the ordeal put up in front of them.
Amid an outcry of criticism from the community and the victim’s team, the case is still under investigation as many try to wrap their heads around what really went on that night.