If you think you’re great at your job, well, you need to read on to witness a woman that’s broken all records of working hard and being devoted to her workplace.
Think along the lines of serving at a job for the past 74 years and then retiring today at the age of 90. Yes, it’s as mindblowing as it sounds and now, the woman is sharing more details on her unique journey with others from all over the globe.
Melba Mebane is one woman that people are hailing for her love for retail like no other. She has worked devotedly years for years and it’s absolutely amazing how much stamina, perseverance, and patience she has had for so long.
The 90-year-old was seen speaking about how she worked for Dillard’s over the years because it gave her a sense of belonging that she could never find elsewhere. And it’s this kind of feeling that really gives you loyal customers and employees, she continued.
So what made her quick now and not before? Well, she claims that her age has caught up with her and she really does need to rest more and take care of her body.
For her, this place would always be her second home. And that’s what working at it made her so happy and satisfied and content all of the time. And if she was given another lifetime, she’d definitely choose to work here again, she adds.
Above all, the part that really made people’s eyes and ears pop up was how she never ever missed a single day of work. Now if that’s not called dedication then we’re not quite sure what is.
On her final day, her colleagues threw her a farewell party and that’s where they gushed over her wonderful work ethic. And for that, she couldn’t be more grateful.