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Meghan Markle Will Be Known As ‘Princess Henry’ If Palace Strips Her Royal Title

A royal expert is speaking in detail about how and what the consequences could be like if Harry and Meghan Markle were stripped of their royal titles by the palace.


While other experts weighed in on the opinion of how that likelihood by the palace is not something that would be happening anytime soon, it’s still a possibility and anything can be expected.

Source: Page Six

The pair opted to bid farewell to their royal duties in the year 2020 and still continue to have their royal titles.


King Charles III has yet to remove those titles and many predict that it won’t be happening right now either.

Source: news.com.au

But if it does, the move would spark serious backlash across the board as it would be seen as an unkind gesture by the public.


“It’s unkind and unnecessary. Charles wouldn’t be gaining anything from the act, even though the thought may have crossed his mind several times”- another close insider explained.

Source: news.com.au

Since Prince Harry was born Prince Henry Charles Albert David, his wife Meghan Markle would lose her Duchess of Sussex title in case her title was removed. Instead, she would take on the honor of being Princess Henry as it is a tradition that the princess takes an official title featuring her husband’s name.