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Post Office THREATENS To Fine Customers If They Are Rude To Staff Members By Placing WARNING Sign Outside Its Door

One post office has clearly had enough of its rude customers and now they’re making sure whoever enters their doors ends up behaving themselves or else they’ll be facing the consequences.


Think along the lines of having a bold and in-your-face sign situated right outside your door that’s nothing less than a huge warning.

Source: Unsplash

The sign is printed in big and bold letters and says customers would be fined 10 Pounds in case they’re grumpy, rude, or simply irritable to the staff members assigned duties at the office.


The notice appears right outside the Welsh Post Office and now, the image is going viral on Reddit as it is across other social media platforms too.

The sign mentions that customers would be charged if they choose to behave in a grouchy ordeal.

Source: Unsplash

As you can imagine, the news was a shocker to many for obvious reasons. Secondly, it managed to draw all sorts of mixed responses as many hoped it was double-sided and by that, they hoped that both customers and staff members could behave nicely with each other.


The post office explained how they’ve had enough of people’s tantrums and mood swings, not to mention the great amount of verbal abuse that staff members were forced to witness in these past few years.

Source: Unsplash

Therefore after much thought and consideration, they’ve taken this move that they realize is very in your face and nothing like the way they’ve handled matters in the past.


But as always, change is good, and sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

Source: Daily Mail

What would your reaction be to such a post office that puts up a sign like this, right outside its office? Let us know and be sure to SHARE the story with others too!