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Hero Father DIES While Trying To Save Twin Daughters After Stroller Fell Onto Train Tracks In Front Of Horrified Mother

A hero dad who passed away while trying to rescue a set of twin toddlers when their stroller rolled onto the tracks at a train station located in Sydney has now been pictured.


The victim was identified as Anand Runway who saw the stroller fall off of the platform and therefore quickly jumped down without thinking to save his twin girls.

Source: Facebook

The daughters were just seven years old but the incident left him and one of the twins dead as the train struck.


The impact of the incident was so intense that they ended up with horrifying injuries that took their lives in the end.

Source: Nine

CCTV footage displayed moments before the stroller toppled directly onto the tracks at the Carlton train station in Sydney at nearly 12:25 pm on a Sunday. This was directly in the path of the train that was coming in.


Sources claim one of the little girls survived by an absolute miracle and sheer good luck. She landed right between the rails as confirmed by the cops.

Source: Facebook

The train didn’t even touch her and therefore is said to have passed right over her while traveling to central Sydney.


But the worst part is how the victim’s wife saw her husband die before her eyes and that’s a tragic memory that she now has to live with for the rest of her life.