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EXCLUSIVE: Parents OUTRAGED After School Decides To ‘Retouch’ Images To Make Kids ‘Photogenic’

The trend to look perfect in today’s day and age has reached such an extent that it’s taking over schools now too.


Parents are raising their voices against an educational institution that found it right to retouch images belonging to so many young individuals.

Source: New York Post

To claim the parents were livid is an understatement, one person added. Meanwhile, another parent felt the same way and that led to absolute chaos as people just wanted to understand how the act was justifiable.


Demanding a response and an end to the matter, some were nice enough to give the school some time to try and figure out what the possible reason regarding the ordeal could be.

Source: New York Post

The matter began when one 12-year-old student by the name of Jennifer Greene had her yearbook picture taken.


When the results came out, it was evident to her parents how the image had been edited to make her appear a certain way that others deemed acceptable. In the same way, more reports went on to speak about how the school just tried to brush off the claims as a simple edit that most other places do too and therefore they shouldn’t be bashed.

Source: New York Post

Retouching a school portrait shocked parents because it was giving rise to the toxic trend of stereotyping, Jennifer’s mom mentioned.


She felt that kids are already facing a lot of pressure due to the modern invention of social media and the last thing they need to be told is how to look a certain way.

Source: New York Post

The before and after images were quite worrying, the parents added. Seeing the child’s natural features and textured skin with freckles be converted into a smooth and perfect skin complexion has now gone on to raise eyebrows with the masses. And if that was not enough, they’ve even gone about whitening teeth too.


This is the reason why the school is now directly contacting Life Touch who is said to be the firm in charge of making the shocking edits to children’s yearbooks after entering into a partnership with the school in Florida.