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“I’m Fat & Refused To Give A Toddler The Extra Seat I’d Paid For On A Flight! His Mom Got Upset & Other Passengers Took Her Side!”

Flying is never easy and when you happen to be surrounded by kids, things tend to get even more difficult sometimes.


This next story is about an obese female passenger who was called out and shamed for not giving in to the demands of a younger mom and her little toddler.

Source: Pixabay

The passenger explained how it’s hard for her to fit into just one seat so she ended up paying for two seats. However, things did not go in her favor because she was caught in an awkward situation.


There was a fussy toddler who had to be seated near his mother but couldn’t quite get the place he wanted. The only option was to make use of the seat that was under the ownership of the obese traveler.

Source: Getty Images

Hence, when the toddler began to cry and get irritated, the young mom politely requested to have the extra chair. But to her shock and dismay, that did not happen. Instead, she was just so baffled as to how the obese lady failed to give in and provide the offer.

Source: Pixabay

There were plenty of arguments across the board and passengers nearby tried to be obese and even shamed the obese lady for acting so selfish. However, she felt the opposite, adding how some individuals need to understand that she’s struggling physically and didn’t buy an extra seat for fun.

Source: Shutterstock

“I have issues. I cannot squeeze into one seat, even if I wanted to. This makes it hard for those seated next to me” – adding how comfort and peace of mind is her main goal during long flights. But to be called out for not giving up her seat despite paying extra is mind-blowing to her.


The matter was posted on the public platform of Reddit and netizens were asked to have their say. What do you think?