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‘It’s A National Security Issue’- Former Doctor To Obama & Trump Says Biden Is NOT Fit To Be President Again

The disaster performance featuring President Biden at the recently held presidential debate has left a lot of questions on people’s minds regarding his health.


Now, the doctor who used to treat former US presidents Trump and Obama is having his say on the matter.

Source: CNN

He confirmed that Biden was suffering from a cognitive disease and therefore should make it a point to opt out of this presidential race.


Referring to the matter as an issue of national security, he confirmed that immediate resignation is the best solution as Biden needs to rest.

Source: New York Post

“That performance was just a trailer of what the country can expect soon. As an American, I feel he should step down and be removed from office immediately. This is serious”- the health expert of the White House added.


Biden has been pictured freezing on multiple occasions and also wandering off into space at plenty of recently held summits, raising eyebrows about his poor mental health.

Source: CNN

Jack who has also served in the Navy in the past explained how Biden’s behavior including constant forgetfulness and confusion while speaking is evident that he is not well and therefore must step down before it’s too late.