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Royals ‘Astonished’ Security-Wary Prince Harry Has Jetted To One of the Most Crime-Ridden Countries

Harry and Meghan have made the bold decision to jet off to Columbia and as expected, the news is causing a stir.


According to royal insiders, the family is stunned at how conscious Harry is about security in the UK but still feels it’s safe to take his wife and kids for a trip to Columbia.

Source: Mirror US

For those that might not be aware, Columbia has a high crime rate, and seeing Harry out of all the people in the world arrive there is starting.


“It’s just bizarre, it’s like being a hypocrite. You refuse to travel to your homeland but are willing to risk your lives in a nation known for high crime”- another mentioned.

Source: Mirror US

The news comes just a day after the pair’s head of staff resigned without any reason being proved in the press. Harry and Meghan are on a quasi-royal tour despite giving up their royal titles and duties, a long time back.

Source: Mirror US

UK and US tourists are often told to reconsider their travel plans if Columbia is on the map. This is why it’s even more startling. What do you think? Is Harry sticking to his words or not? Let us know and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.