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Kim Kardashian Confirms She’s Seeking Therapy & Experienced The Most ‘Lightbulb Moment’

Kim Kardashian has left many fans stunned after confirming she’s seeking therapy.


The leading SKIMS owner went public with her confession and spoke about how she had her lightbulb moment throughout the process.

Source: Hulu

This is the first time many are hearing about the popular socialite speak about her therapy experience and what a positive impact that has had on her life.


The star recalled an early breakthrough while speaking to her sister Kourtney during the finale episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Source: Hulu

She mentioned how seeing a therapist has left the most positive impact on her life. She also mentioned to the Poosh star that she experienced a lot of highs that she may have never imagined.


Kim left viewers stunned as she’s known to be one of the most calm sisters in the family who doesn’t panic, even if there’s an emergency.

Source: Daily Mail

But the mom of four admitted that ‘we all need a little help sometimes in our lives’ and that there’s no harm or shame in admitting it.


Many were glad to see Kim reveal that she was no superwoman and that being a mom of four and a celeb whose life is constantly followed by the media does require a lot sometimes. Therefore, her therapy sessions do assist in so many ways.