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JUST IN: ‘Most Tattooed’ Woman Shares Her Shocking $280,000 Body Modification Transformation

A woman dubbed as the most ‘tattooed’ female is making heads turn after her shocking transformation.


It would not be wrong to mention that the before and after clicks that she recently shared were just jaw-dropping, to say the least.

Source: Instagram

Reports are speaking about how the look is beyond shocking and some people are loving what is on display while others are not shying away from showing their dismay.


The look is said to be beyond bizarre and one that some had trouble understanding how complex the tattoos were to leave no inch of skin without ink.

Source: Instagram

“This is mindblowing. What is going on here? She is like a walking pile of ink”- one person mentioned and others couldn’t help but agree.


But despite people’s reservations regarding her look, this woman says she’s in a whole new league altogether. Amber Luke says she’s been given all sorts of titles including Dragon Woman.

Source: Jam Press

She does like how people stare at her in curiosity but it’s offensive when they pass comments, she concluded. Taking her look to Instagram, Amber says tattoos are what keeps her going in life. She’s had a lot of trouble in terms of accepting her appearance the way it was.


But inkings and body modifications are something that makes her happy. However, people are having trouble recognizing her in the clicks. Her before image is striking as it features her fresh face with no ink, whatsoever. Meanwhile, her recent click is the exact opposite.

Source: Instagram

“What they don’t see and know about is that the one on the left is me going through turmoil while the one on the right is me going through a phase of celebrations and resilience. I love who I am and where I stand. That’s all I have to say”- she concluded.


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