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“Cheap Publicity At 66!”- Sharon Stone Under Fire For Naming Producer Who Told Her To SLEEP With Co-Star

Actress Sharon Stone is under fire for naming the producer who requested her to sleep with her co-star.


The star’s very controversial decision to go public with the name might be backfiring on her, as explained by co-hosts on the popular American morning show, ‘The View’.

Source: Daily Mail

Many felt the star was trying to be desperate and needy for attention, while others felt this was a smart tactic to try and get back into the limelight after a pause.


“Honey, you don’t need to engage in this kind of behavior at this age. You’re 66, for goodness sake!”- another person went on to explain.

Source: Daily Mail

As expected, the news has left some in a state of dilemma while others were quick to notice how this sort of behavior just did not make sense. After all, it was not something that arose recently that she needed to go viral with it.

Source: Entertainment Tonight

“Why bring it up anyway? Seeing her needlessly shame Billy Baldwin for having intimacy with her was another major no and uncalled-for act!”- another person added. The pair worked together in the hit film Silver which was produced by late star Robert Evans.

Source: Entertainment Weekly

Many others even went as far as to mention that it was about time that she gave herself and the world a break with this ridiculous story and moved on as if it never happened. What do you think?