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EXCLUSIVE: Young Woman With ‘Shaving Rash’ Left With No Memory & Unable To Read As Doctor MISSES Alarming Disease Diagnosis

A young woman is opening up about her terrifying medical ordeal where a shaving rash located above her knee changed her life forever.


Monique Marshall was reportedly only 17 at the time when she noticed a bizarre rash and a few flu symptoms that came along with them. Her mother was worried and she asked her daughter if she had recently shaved in the area.

Source: Supplied

The mother and daughter had a little fight as it was obvious that Monique had shaved in this region but she refused to confess her mistake. And that led to her mom being so furious.


More details were revealed from the Easter weekend and it turned out to be super sketchy because she went to the doctor’s office. He examined her body and despite her mentioning a few flu-like symptoms, he dismissed her.

Source: Supplied

She was told to go home and rest, the mother explained. But that was just the start of a terrifying misdiagnosis that he failed to notice. And that almost cost her life as she nearly died.


The actual disease was meningococcal and that was deemed to be a fatal infection. Her mom is now sharing more about the horrifying condition as she wishes to help save others from going through what her daughter endured.

Source: Supplied

Her symptoms reportedly began with a light cold and a shaving rash. The GP thought it was literally nothing and in the end, she sent her back with ibuprofen. But that was only when the teenager complained of her symptoms getting worse.


Meanwhile, the mother says that the paramedics assumed she was on drugs because her mom called in such a panic tone.

Source: Supplied

Within 48 hours, she was in the ICU and there was just a 50% chance of survival. But when she did get a little better, her memory was gone and today, she’s unable to read anything.