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BREAKING: Top Awards Show BLASTED For Nominating ’12-Year-Old’ Girl For WORST Actress Category

The famous Razzies Awards Show is feeling pressure from fans and critics for nominating a 12-year-old celeb for its worst actress category.


Social media became abuzz with the shocking news that really had people outraged over how the council thought it was alright to carry out such behavior.

Source: Nowthisnews

Now, they’re being forced to publicly apologize for the incident and even amend their rules if they wish to continue on working in the future, sources have explained.


Comments were seen being fired at the show’s producers and others in charge or even thinking for one second that such behavior was going to be ok or rightly accepted.

Source: Kinnorium

The Golden Rasberry Awards nominated actress Ryan Kiera Armstrong for having the worst acting performance of the year and viewers felt that was way out of line.


They called out the jury for their actions and now, no one under the age of 18 would be allowed for a Razzie nomination.

Source: Hola

But for those who may not be aware, the Razzies are reportedly famous for one thing and one thing only- making fun of people. They are known to call out individuals for performing so badly that in the end, they get an award for that very same reason!


Yikes, it’s as brutal as it seems and it wouldn’t be wrong to mention that people aren’t too happy to get an award that celebrates their poor performance.

This time around, people mentioned how raising their voices on the matter made Razzies apologize and admit they had made a mistake. And that alone was a huge factor altogether.

Source: Yahoo

What are your thoughts on such a young celeb being called out for performing so badly on the big screen? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.