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“Don’t Come Near Me!”- Simon Cowell PELTED With Food After Turbulent Audition

Simon Cowell was certainly not a happy camper yesterday when he was bombarded and pelted with food during a very turbulent audition.


The incident arose when a leading opera singer by the name of Natalie Choquette decided to take the stage and hoped to get a green signal of love and appreciation from the judges.

Source: Daily Star

This was for the Britain’s Got Talent show and it wouldn’t be wrong to mention that she did way more than charm judge Simon Cowell.


She began by expressing her dream to get into the UK through her impeccable singing skills. She then invited all the guests on stage for a meal with her.

Source: Daily Star

There was a dining table behind her that was full of food of all kinds. Upon her cue, the judges got excited and decided to move on stage to join. But things went from good to bad in seconds as the matter escalated when Natalie began hurling food from the table.


This was thrown in Judge Simon Cowell’s direction. Plenty of spaghetti was poured on his face and even spilled across the other judges as well.

Source: Daily Star

And if that was not enough, more food fell from the sky onto the stage, and it was certainly like edible rain pouring from above, which did not make Mr. Cowell happy by any means. And in case you’re still wondering, she never made it past the first round after that.