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Singing Superstar Justin Timberlake ARRESTED In Hamptons After Late-Night Partying

Singer Justin Timberlake was recently arrested by cops in the wealthy neighborhood of the Hamptons.


The star was believed to have been intoxicated after a night full of partying. Cops followed his vehicle for suspected DWI and found the celeb looking extremely exhausted.

Source: Daily Mail

His bloodshot eyes and breath reeked of booze as reported by insiders familiar with the matter.


The star was said to be at the Sag Harbor’s American Hotel during the later hours of Monday night and then was driving back home with his friends in the car.

Source: Daily Mail

Officers pulled the star over but did not recognize it. They asked him why he ran through a traffic stop but he failed to give any satisfactory answer.


His friends asked the police to cut some slack because he was a celeb but they did not pay heed and continued on with their question-and-answer session.

Source: Daily Mail

The father of two performed a field sobriety test and right after that, he was asked to take another breathalyzer test that he refused.


This made the cops suspicious and they ordered him to obey their commands but upon refused to do so, he was handcuffed and then arrested by the police despite interference from his friends.