Categories: Daily top 10Entertainment

Everyone Can See The Smiley Elephants But Only Those With 20/20 Vision Can Spot The Whale! Do You See It?

In case you didn’t know, solving challenges a day keeps your mind alert.


This next puzzle has people scratching their heads and rubbing their eyes. It’s an optical illusion designed to see how far you can go. Do you think you can get it right? If yes, scroll down below.

Source: Dropbox Blog

This particular brainteaser appears like a simple herd of elephants who are nestled somewhere. But the catch is that there is an uninvited guest that’s waiting to be spotted.


Yes, despite all the elephants having a great time, a whale was caught in the middle of the herd. This is why we’re asking you to spot where the animal might be.

Source: The Sun

The challenge is to spot the odd whale out amongst the sea of elephants. There is a lot of partying taking place as the DJ plays for the crowd.


It’s not hard to spot if the colors were there but these visuals in black and white are making it so hard. So can you do a favor and figure out where the whale lies so it can be freed?

Source: The Sun

Did you manage to figure out the right solution? If yes, great job. You’ve got 20/20 vision and a high IQ. Kudos to you for doing a great job with this mind-bending puzzle. Stay tuned for more fun. Bye for now!