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Passengers’ Horror As Smiling 8-Year-Old Girl DIES Aboard SkyWest Flight To Chicago

A SkyWest flight to Chicago was faced with a terrible incident recently.


A young passenger who hailed from Missouri suddenly became ill and unresponsive on the flight and was soon pronounced dead as confirmed by authorities.

Source: Pixabay

The flight took off from Missouri and was on its way to its respective destination before it was forced to make the emergency landing in Illinois.


The coroner’s office has just released a statement on this front, adding how the family immediately notified the flight crew about the worsening situation.

Source: Pixabay

After landing in Peorio, the passenger was no longer breathing and did not have any pulse as per the statement.


The victim was identified as Sydney Weston and the family is now waiting for the results of her autopsy to determine the cause of death.

Source: NBC News

The plane landed at 7 am for this medical emergency and many people were baffled in terms of what was taking place.


While the child was attended to by emergency staff members and the members of the Air National Guard upon landing, it was in vain. They desperately tried to save her life but the child was soon pronounced dead at the local hospital.