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Terrifying Stabbing Incident Takes Place In Massachusettes, Leaving Innocent Citizens Injured At AMC & McDonald’s

A terrifying stabbing incident just took center stage in Massachusetts, leaving several innocent citizens injured in the aftermath of the terror.


According to reports from local media outlets, the suspect was believed to be a knife-wielding madman who was linked to a murder investigation.

Source: Page Six

He carried out a horrifying attack against four girls inside a movie theater before injuring two more at a leading McDonald’s outlet during the stabbing spree on Saturday.

Source: Page Six

The attacks were said to be unprovoked and of a serious kind, reportedly starting at 6 pm inside the AMC Braintree. This is where the armed suspect started walking into the complex and past a ticket booth. He entered one of the theaters without paying and then started to carry out the devastation.

Source: New York Post

He stabbed four females who were aged between 9 to 17 years without uttering a single word as reported by the cops at Braintree on Saturday night.


The female victims were rushed to a nearby hospital in the Boston area and then treated for some non-life-threatening injuries. Loved ones are now demanding for a transparent investigation into the matter and how the suspicious-looking man was able to carry out such an attack so easily.