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Olympics’ HOTTEST Swimming Star Spotted Sleeping In a PARK After Slamming Paris Village Conditions

Olympic gold medalist Thomas Ceccon means his words when he says them and recent proof of just that happens to be an incident captured on camera.


The star was seen sleeping at a park after making huge complaints about the living conditions at the Olympic Village.

Source: IPA Sport

He happens to be one of many stars who simply cannot tolerate the heat and humidity, not to mention the lack of ACs and bad food.


He called the incident shocking and uncalled for, adding how the sporting event is one of the biggest in the world and therefore France should be offering its guests the best hospitality.

Source: Getty Images

Viral images of the most talked about Italian, thanks to his simmering good looks, took the world of social media by storm.


Seeing him sleep with nothing but a pair of sheets and his pillow was alarming but it appears that this is exactly what it’s going to take to get the authority’s attention.

Source: Daily Mail

He explained during his last interview how hot it was and how bad the food was. He mentioned that a lot of athletes were moving for this reason and to expect to perform under pressure when you don’t get the right living standards is appalling, he continued.