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EXCLUSIVE: Single Ray Of Sunlight Shines Down On The Queen’s Coffin

In what is being described as the most touching moment ever in the United Kingdom, the clouds were seen parting away and a single ray of sunshine shone down over the Queen’s coffin.


Hundreds and thousands of well-wishers were seen making their way to pay their final tributes and respects for Her Majesty- a woman that many adored as their nation’s leader.

Source: Story Picture Agency

The symbolic moment was captured on film during a procession. And that’s when many saw the Queen’s coffin being transported to St. Giles’ Cathedral for a service of thanksgiving.


King Charles III could be seen leading the long line of the procession to the Cathedral located behind the Queen’s coffin. It was beautifully draped in the classic Royal Standard in Scotland. Similarly, it was well-dressed with a wreath of flowers.

Source: PA

The news comes right after a giant double rainbow took center stage over Buckingham Palace alongside another one that was located right above Windsor Castle. And it just made so many people realize that perhaps this was a clear sign sent from above about how the Queen had really departed far away from all of us.


Many could hear the national anthem as it continued to play in the background as the Queen’s coffin was lowered down into the hearse.

Source: Shutterstock

Many stood in line for hours to get a glimpse of the coffin as they called it a historic moment while paying homage to the nation’s longest reigning monarch.


This particular image of the ray of light shining through on the coffin was a part of the procession that Charles led alongside a lone piper from Balmoral.

Source: CBC

King Charles was visibly very emotional throughout the procession and that was something he just couldn’t control.


But this beautiful image is one that many people feel will be recalled forever and has now even been dubbed the beautiful rainbow of Windsor that has many people getting emotional.