We are back with another exciting opportunity for fans to put their eyes to the test and spot the hidden object.
This next challenge is certainly not as simple as it looks but we’re sure our readers have what it takes to put those eyes and minds to the test.
Today’s puzzle comprises a bizarre coffee bean image that features a lot more than just coffee! Yes, there are some unique things hiding inside.
And when we say unique, we mean babies! While babies and coffee certainly don’t go hand in hand, this one is a challenge worth witnessing with your own eyes and mind.
While some feel it sounds too simple to be true, one attempt is all it takes to realize that this may not be the case.
We can give you a hint that there are THREE babies cleverly concealed in this picture amongst the hundreds of tiny coffee beans on display.
This has left internet users scratching their heads so we want to know if you can spot them. Remember, try until you succeed. Scroll down for the final reveal.