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“I Was DENIED Access To The Toilet At Costa Coffee Unless I Purchased Something First! How Is That Fair?”

Coffee shops are great places to work, relax, unwind, and also use the loo.



But not all places have the same kind of rules as this next story about a helpless customer goes on to prove. 

Source: Mirror

The woman expressed her rant on the Reddit platform about how poorly Costa Coffee ended up treating her, despite knowing she was in need of an emergency toilet encounter. 


The woman says she was on the road and an emergency comprising of nature calling arose all of a sudden. Therefore, seeing a coffee shop nearby had her relieved because that was just the perfect place for an emergency like this. 

Source: Mirror

Unfortunately, Costa Coffee failed to let the patron use the toilet, demanding she would only be allowed to use the service if she purchased something first. And as you can imagine, that did not make her happy. 


She was beyond baffled at the way she was being treated at this moment in time. Mother nature was calling and this was serious. The last thing on her mind was standing in line and staring at food and beverages, let alone making a purchase for something that she could enjoy later. 

Source: Pixabay

“I was in Bournemouth and I saw this Costa Coffee open and buzzing with customers. I parked my car in the parking lot and then decided to make my way inside, only to be met with the most rude staff and manager who denied me access to use the bathroom”- she added. 


She was beyond horrified to see the way she was being treated. This was not humane of anyone to do, and that’s when she began to argue. 

Source: Pixabay

The woman says that she needed to urinate but the way she was being dealt with was as if she was using their free Wi-Fi or making use of their seating. 


Hence, she did oblige in the end because it was an emergency but made sure her story went viral on social media so others could see how horrible the staff and management behaved with her on the occasion.