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Woman With Two V*ginas Reveals Heartbreaking Thing Doctors Told Her Afer She Was Diagnosed

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At just 16 years old, Annie Charlotte was informed by her doctors that she was a little different than other girls her age.


Yes, this was the day she was informed about having two vaginas and that scared her so badly.

Annie says that her uterus didelphys which is the medical term for the condition is a rare congenital ordeal where you are born with two uteruses.

This diagnosis came when she got in to have two coils fitted into her or an IUD inserted to ease her heavy periods.

Source: UNILAD

Some patients that have this experience lighter or shorter periods and some reported that theirs stopped after the procedure was over.


Now, she’s 26 years old and serves as an OnlyFans model. She is opening up her chats with other doctors about her condition.

Source: UNILAD

When she went first to have it fitted, the nurse scared her and told her that something was stopping her from fitting the first implant so she needed to check with the gynecologist.


At 16, her male gynecologist told her and her mother that she couldn’t have kids. The silence left her stunned as she was so young. But today, she’s going strong, leaving those opinions behind her. She is working on her career and does not want kids until she gets older.