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Sean Kingston’s MUGSHOT Revealed As Star THROWN Into Jail For Massive $1M Fraud

Rapper and singer Sean Kingston has been accused of a massive fraud worth a staggering one million dollars.


Shocking new images of the star’s mugshot from jail took center stage recently, leaving fans stunned.

Source: New York Post

The 34-year-old who goes by the name Kisean Anderson was locked up behind bars at the Broward County jail on Sunday after he got extradited from the state of California after his shocking arrest during the past month.


The star who is known for hit tracks like Beautiful Girls is now said to make an appearance in front of the judge later today reportedly by media outlet Local 10.

Source: New York Post

Kingston is said to have carried out the crime with his mother by his side, who was also seen getting dragged into jail recently. Both have been slapped with major charges including the organization of a master plan comprising of a fraud scheme.


This includes grand theft and a series of other crimes which led to the release of their arrest warrants at the start.


Source: New York Post

Fans were stunned at the news while many others spoke about their disbelief regarding the singer’s actions. This was not something many had accepted and only after the release of the mugshot have people learned that it’s really true.