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BREAKING: Jane Fonda THROWS Award At Director Justine Triet’s Face At 2023 Cannes Film Festival

Jane Fonda is known for her bold and blunt actions and words but her recent incident at the Cannes Film Festival this year has a lot of people talking.


The renowned celeb and host was seen throwing an award at director Justine Triet’s face and it was not appreciated one bit by people witnessing the incident online.

Source: EPA

What many people did not know is how the incident took place when the director was declared the winner for the evening of the film Anatomy of the Fall.


She received a huge round of praise for her efforts and people were just praising her left and right. But what the director was not prepared for was a secret surprise that was going to be flung her way.


After taking her award, the director seemingly forgot to take her scroll with her. Hence, she left it there accidentally at the podium.


Little did she know that Jane Fonda would be the one to gift it back. But the only problem is that her choice of delivery was not only deemed outrageous but shocking. Yes, she literally flung it at her, and people were in shock.

Source: Getty Images

Thankfully, the director did not seem to notice too much as the scroll slammed against the back of her head and not her face, despite Fonda’s great aim or what appeared to be a good one.


The director didn’t seem to notice or mind at all but viewers sure did. They felt Fonda had crossed the line on this one.


Others did not take long to school the celeb for the behavior and felt she needed to attend a few sessions on grooming and presentation to see how her behavior was just not alright and how she needed to do something about it.