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Experts Warn Donald Trump May Be Suffering From Dementia After Calling Wife Melania ‘Mercedes’

Former US President Donald Trump Might not be fit to run for office after all as new speculations regarding his mental health take center stage.


Source: Mirror US

According to reports from local media outlets, health experts are issuing a stark warning to the country’s commander in chief and how his brain might be dementing.

Source: Mirror US

The news comes after he was seen referring to his wife Melania Trump as Mercedes in public and not even realizing his mistake.


Trump called Melania’s name wrong at Washington DC during his speech and he even praised her as the crowd clapped with many giggling faces.

Source: Mirror US

He was similarly seen criticizing his fellow political opponents and even sent out warnings about a very unpredictable and scary future that lay ahead.

Source: Mirror US

This was in regards to President Biden’s win taking place in November. “If crooked Joe Biden and his thugs win this time around in 2024, this would be the worst thing for America to happen ever. We’ve had enough, seen, and it cannot go on any longer”- he mentioned.

Source: Mirror US

He also mentioned how the worse is yet to come and so the nation should be prepared to bear that or else give the right person the vote and in that case, it happened to be him, he added.