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Donald Trump Seen ‘Losing Control’ Of Basic Functions During Court Apperance That Indicate Dementia

Former US President Donald Trump was seen losing control of some of his basic functions.


The country’s former commander-in-chief is currently battling out a number of cases that he confirmed were exhausting and draining the life out of him.


In the same way, Trump expressed how he would be missing out on his wife’s birthday celebrations and that was another bummer for him. But he did get the clearance to attend his son Barron’s graduation.

Source: AP

The worrying concerns were announced by health experts who have been monitoring Trump’s entry and exit in court and how they’re calling it into question as explained by one psychologist who suggested how the behavior is quite similar to that of dementia.

Source: Mirror

As mentioned by the former US President, he is in the midst of his hush money trial and was seen to be showing signs that are coherent to dementia as per a mental health expert.

Source: Mirror

Five out of the seven days that he was seen in attendance, they noticed him dozing off at the defense table. In other incidents, he was seen nodding off every few minutes as lawyers made great efforts to try and rouse him. As one can expect, the news is not great for fans of Trump who await his return in the upcoming elections.