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The ‘Harvard University’ Brainteaser That 90% of People Fail – Can YOU Solve It?

There is one brainteaser that’s on a lot of people’s minds and we’re asking our users to put their minds to the test and figure out the correct answer.


The riddle was also used during interviews for Harvard University and so far, it has stumped 90% of the population of individuals taking part.

Source: Harvard

The picture was shared on social media and it displayed the university’s letterhead featuring a mathematical equation.


This was all written in the colors red and black. The query asks if there were seven men with seven wives and each man and each wife had seven children, how many people would there be in total?

Source: Pixabay

While most riddles do have a single answer, this one has two. It’s been causing a stir since the year 2021 which was reportedly when we first heard about it.


It has resurfaced online again and now, it’s turning like fire. Therefore, we’d like to put our viewers to the test and see what they have to say.

Source: Pixabay

All sorts of guesses were made but not many were correct. There are several different replies and not a single one was wrong until and unless you don’t sit down and get the math correct.


One of the users spoke about interpreting the question and he’s what they had to say. Every man has seven wives to get 399 people you multiply seven by seven to get 49 wives. This figure would be added to seven men.

Then if each of the 49 wives has seven kids, that’s 343 and if every man has seven kids, that’s 49, which equals 392 individuals. Was that your answer too?