Justin Timberlake was pictured in handcuffs just a few hours after getting arrested on charges linked to DWI.
The star was seen walking to court with his legal team after leaving the Sag Harbor police headquarters that is located adjacent.

The latest images obtained by Daily Mail showed the 43-year-old wearing casual attire and trying hard to disguise his face with a baseball cap and black shades.
His hands were cuffed as one officer held the door open for him while his lawyer accompanied him the whole time.
Timberlake could be seen donning a gray-toned t-shirt and a pair of jeans while looking awfully grim. He was arraigned and then released from custody on his own recognizance soon after that.
On Tuesday morning, the star was pulled over shortly after the hours of midnight when he was returning from a party hosted by friends at the American Hotel.
Sources explained how the cops were located right outside where he was enjoying his meal and saw how the star was driving in a bizarre manner, breaking a traffic stop. It was clear that the star had one drink too many despite denying that, adding how he only consumed a single martini throughout the evening.