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“Stop Drinking So Much Water!”- Airline Passenger Sparks Debate By NOT Allowing Person In The Middle Use The Bathroom FOUR TIMES During Flight

If you’re a frequent flyer, you may have noticed how frequently you tend to get dehydrated and therefore you’re in a dilemma on whether or not you should drink a lot of water.


The thought of drinking more is counteracted by the urgency to use the bathroom multiple times mid-flight. And this next story surrounds this very theme.

Source: Pixabay

One male passenger has been sparking serious debate online after claiming the person seated in the middle wished to go to the bathroom four times during the travel journey. But that made him furious, considering how many gallons of water he continued to drink.


The news has sparked a major debate online where people are now having their say on the matter. Some say it’s every individual’s right to bring as much food or water as they please.

Source: Pixabay

But others felt it was high time that passengers got considerate and thought about the inconvenience that they would be serving to all those around them.


“I thought it was so wrong”- the male passenger explained while appearing anonymously on the Reddit online platform. He further debated on how the extra water meant making room for bathroom breaks and that was just so wrong, considering how he was seated in the middle.

Source: Pixabay

Therefore, for him to come out, he would need to excuse plenty of others along the way. But in the man’s defense, he explained how he was an athlete and his body requirements were greater than the average human being.


“I’ve got to take in more protein and water as compared to others. Why can’t I drink my water and stay hydrated? I am paying for my ticket and not using anyone’s money”- he continued.

Source: Pixabay

The debate began in the first place when the person seated in the aisle was sleeping and therefore each time the middle passenger wished to use the bathroom, his sleep would get disturbed and he found that to be so annoying.


What do you think? Should passengers be more considerate and tolerant during flights to accommodate other’s needs or not?