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Man Divides Social Media After Standing on Flight ‘For 6 Hours’ So His Wife Could Lie Across the Seats

One man’s selfless act is taking the world by storm as many held reservations in terms of what was going on.


A man thought it would be a romantic gesture to have his wife take all the seats and lie down comfortably, even if that meant he would endure the pain and discomfort of standing up during the journey.

Source: vt

The man spoke about how he wished to have his wife get all cozy and stretch her legs as the journey was a long one and she was not a fan of long-haul flights.


Therefore, she slept comfortably across a row comprising three seats while the man stood up whenever he could.

Source: vt

The sight was an odd one for many who felt this was going too far. Many felt it was not necessary and was giving out the wrong impression of how entitled his wife felt she was to make her partner stand for her while she rested in her comfort zone.


Others thought it was an act to put public affection on display but failed miserably.

Source: vt

The incident caught people’s attention around the world and many had a hard time trying to wrap their heads around what was taking place.