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JUST IN: Man Asks Wife If He Can IMPREGNATE Her Sister ‘The Traditional Way’ After She Agreed To Surrogacy

A man has asked his wife if he can impregnate her sister the ‘traditional way’ after she agreed to the offer of opting for surrogacy.


The pair has been struggling with conceiving their first child and it’s not been an easy endeavor for anyone. But finally, they’ve devised a master plan linked to having a child the non-traditional way.

Source: Pixabay

After months of research, the couple is all set to have a baby through IVF but then all of a sudden, the wife shared some shocking and horrifying revelations where she cannot stop talking about the ordeal.


The couple chose to have the wife’s sister as the surrogate, whom they trusted with their eyes closed. She agreed and said she would be honored to carry their child as they have been struggling for so long.

Source: Pixabay

But just when things seemed to be going as planned, shocking revelations took center stage and that included how her husband has come up with a terrifying request that has to do with another option for surrogacy. He says that instead of IVF, why not just impregnate the sister the traditional way?


This had her in a state of shock and was mortified that her husband would find this normal.

Source: Pixabay

“He acted like it was no big deal. I just do not know what to make of this. Remember, she is my sister and she does not know about his decision. I am too embarrassed to even tell her that her brother-in-law wishes to sleep with her for one night, just so he can get her pregnant.


Netizens on Reddit were horrified after the news broke out. They slammed the decision as uncalled for and obnoxious. Did we mention super inappropriate too? What do you think? Is it okay to have a baby by sleeping with your sister-in-law, just to save money and time?