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Woman HOSPITALIZED & Left Looking Like ‘Homer Simpson’ After Getting Lip Filler Dissolved

A woman is revealing her frightful experience after suffering from the worst kind of allergic reaction imaginable during her lip filler removal procedure.


The TikTok user who goes by the name Ruby put up her story for other fans and followers to witness after she claims that she underwent the most painful experience of her life recently.

Ruby was rushed to the hospital on an urgent basis after suffering from an allergic reaction that took place as doctors tried to remove her unwanted lip filler.

Source: New York Post


The horrifying experience was documented and put on her TikTok as a video that reportedly went viral in an instant with nearly 500,000 views in just one day.


According to Ruby’s revelations, she was immediately hospitalized due to the severe nature of the reaction and she claims that she looked so bad that she couldn’t even face herself in the mirror.

Source: New York Post

“I literally looked like Homer Simpson and so many people agreed. My upper lip had swollen to such an extreme extent and it also affected my face severely, becoming extremely swollen too”- she stated.


Despite the fact that she can be seen smiling in some of her viral clicks, Ruby says that she never plans on getting any lip filler procedure again and advises others to do the same after this nightmare experience.

Source: New York Post

But some viewers found quite a bit of humor in her experience. They agreed with the fact that she resembled Homer Simpson while others were left in stitches after reading the comments.


Another boldly mentioned, “You went from appearing like a platypus to looking like a chipmunk.”

Source: New York Post

On the other hand, one supporter of lip fillers claims that allergic reactions can happen to anyone and everyone. Therefore, he claimed that lip fillers shouldn’t be bashed for an incident like this! Do you agree?