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Proposal Goes ‘Incredibly Wrong’ After Woman SLAPS Boyfriend For Offering A ‘Ring Pop’ Instead Of An Actual Ring

One woman wants the world to know that she is not okay with marriage proposals that feature anything but real jewelry.


Think along the lines of a moment that is supposed to be the most heartwarming one of them all, only to get a Ring Pop instead of an actual diamond from your boyfriend.

Source: Rel Rules

Yes, she was certainly left less than impressed and did not hesitate to show her man how she really felt and that was beyond devastated and humiliated.


The incident took place during a live sports game. And as you can imagine, all eyes were on this couple and whether or not the proposal would turn out to be successful or not.

Source: TikTok

Clearly, the man was not impressed because the way his lover behaved in front of hundreds in the crowd was beyond humiliating. She was shocked, surprised, and devastated, and did not take a moment to rethink her actions.


What he got was a huge and tight slap in the face. And yes, he was not expecting that, especially as the crowds were roaring and hoping his girlfriend would just forgive him for the act and move. Sadly, it was not the case.

Source: TikTok

The sight of the ring pop really turned her off for more than reasons. She later justified how a real man would never take something like a proposal as a joke.


She mentioned to him that this was unbelievably rude and she also revealed her decision to marry him was out of the question.

Source: TikTok

Since then, the incident has gone viral on several social media apps and people were just having a really hard time believing it all.


Many advised the man to find another woman because this one seems to be more interested in materialistic things than anything else.