Categories: life

Nike Store In London Got Backlash For Installing Plus-Size Mannequins

It has always been the same controversial topics when it comes to discussing about women’s bodies.


No matter if they are too thin, too fat, too short or too tall because all these topics end up having a heated discussion and argument about what is reasonable or not.

Even in the fashion industry women have been fighting for a long time to normalize all types and kinds of bodies, but it still has a long way to go.


Recently, another discussion started when the sports brand Nike introduced new plus size mannequins in their stores in London.


They dictated their new idea as a celebration of new diversity in the sports era. The sports brand has not only introduced plus-sized mannequins to promote the diversity but also opened a personal floor for women in the flagship store.


The floor has different services like legging adjustment services, customization of sports kits, and much more. Nike’s Vice President for Women in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East said that this new start would help and inspire the female athlete.


It is not just a shopping experience for them as it is a space which will help them in celebrating sports of their choice without any hesitation.


Though there are two groups of people in this situation also as one group is supportive of the idea and the other is not so supported of the movement.


Some people have negative thoughts about the move made by Nike as they think that the UK is still living in denial of reducing Fat.


Also, some people have been celebrating and happy about the new move made by Nike to make women feel empowered irrespective of their size. A lot of people think it is a good move to introduce the big sized mannequins.


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