Categories: CultureFamilylife

Landlord Goes No-Rent For A Month: Mario Salerno is Our Neighborhood Hero

Your daily hassle with your landlord is one of life’s greatest crisis, especially if you live in the metropolitan area and you have absolutely no choice but to be laid completely vulnerable to their demands.

And many renters across the country is facing an almost double threat, starting with their financial unsustainability to an eventual concern for eviction. The renters are being cornered left, right and center, many fearing they will be thrown to the streets when it is positively illegal to do so.
However, this multiple homeowner and real estate mogul should set a precedent to all those landlords out there who can afford to cut some slack.
On March 30, Mario Salerno, 59-year-old New York landlord who owns 80 apartments spanning from Williamsburg and Greenpoint, and who is also responsible for his 200 tenants’ houses, posted a notice across his properties:
‘Please note I am waiving rent for the month of April 2020. Stay safe, help your neighbors and wash your hands!!!’

Mario is also the owner for Salerno’s Autobody, and has already been credited in the neighborhood as being a respected senior member, actively participating in spreading good through the whole entire community.


ⓒ NBC News


He also had this to say to the people who has benefitted out of his generosity, being humble till the last:


“I want everybody to be healthy. That’s the whole thing. For me, it was more important for people’s health and worrying about who could put food on whose table. I say don’t worry about paying me, worry about your neighbor and worry about your family.”


Kaitlyn Guteski is his tenant and has previously been worried sick about how she will sustain herself in this quarantine crisis.point 108 | Her hair salon was the only income source she had, and it was shut down after the City’s measures for social distancing had been implemented.point 231 |


had been worrying about how she was going to pay rent after the hair salon she owns was shut down due to the social-distancing measures in place.point 119 | She, being free from such financial burdens for now, proclaimed about Salerno: ‘He’s Superman.point 204 |


He’s a wonderful man.point 20 | point 23 | 1


ⓒ Hill & Hill


Paul Gentile is a lawyer and also Salerno’s tenant, and contrary to our common concept couldn’t afford to keep up with his home too after New York City’s courthouses closed down starting March 18.


He is a loyal four year tenant, and he applauds Salerno as one of the most kindest soul he has ever met:

“You don’t see that, especially in a landlord-tenant relationship in New York City. He’s amazing. It has alleviated a huge amount of stress that I have been having with the unemployment system in the state.”


We hope to see more of the spirit of solidarity and human kindness among fellow Americans and the world in these turbulent times.

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